Participating Teachers

    Aleia Maru - México
  • Holomusica is a high-frequency composer, singer, meditation teacher, and creator of awakening experiences. She is a practitioner in expanding consciousness and a film producer, known for the movie "Beyond the Light.

    YouTube & Facebook Aleia Music

    Nader Khaledi Canadá - Persia
  • Musician, composer, multi-instrumentalist. Flamenco-Persian guitarist, Persian percussionist.

    Alternative Medicine Specialists - Mexico
    Shamanic Temazcal Dancers - Mexico

  • Juan Guerra and Rocío Sánchez Limón Ayauhtli, directors of Xochiyollotl and Cosmo Danza, have dedicated their lives to exalting identity, promoting and disseminating ancestral knowledge and practices, as well as the customs of ancient Mexico. With a profound social commitment, they have forged a connection that significantly links the culture, tradition, and ceremony of indigenous peoples with contemporary ways of life. Their participation in this retreat is an eloquent testimony to their dedication and passion for preserving and sharing the immense richness of cultural heritage.



February 9-13th | Valle Sagrado de Tepoztlán



           Friday, February 9

  • Arrival, check-in, dinner, and introduction.

    Saturday, February 10

  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Workshops and teachings.

    Sunday, February 11

  • -Breakfast, transportation to the town.

  • Visit to the Tepozteco Pyramid. Workshops and teachings.

    Monday, February 12

  • Breakfast, transportation to the Temazcal.

    Tuesday, February 13

  • Breakfast. Visit to the Xochicalco Pyramids. Departure at 3 pm.


The purpose of this retreat is to forge a sacred vision for our life's purpose. We have created a conducive environment with exceptional facilitators and locations for people to live and manifest powerfully, immersing themselves in a unique setting that will facilitate an intimate encounter with themselves.

This initiatory journey aims to reveal and open the vision of our divine purpose, allowing us to navigate our personal balance with a clear understanding of what we want to manifest in life.

The universe provides better support when we have a clear vision, and this approach aligns us completely with the flow of life, synchronizing with quantum reality and the great spirit to open corresponding windows of opportunities.

The Sacred Valley of Tepoztlán, with its mountains and ancestral guardians, is globally known for UFO sightings and hidden portals. Accessing them requires emanating a frequency of loving and harmonious life, and that is our goal..

If you feel the call in your heart, we would love to be with you.

Contact: +52 55 5409 0216 +52 322 118 0072

Friday, February 9th

  • 6:00 pm: Arrival at the accommodation in Tepoztlán.

  • 7:30 pm: Welcome to the event, presentation, and sharing of intentions for the retreat, instructions, introduction to nutrition and herbs.

  • 10:00 pm: Dinner.

Saturday, February 10th: Element Ether & Air-Water

  • 8:00 am: Ceremony - permission ceremony from the guardians of the place, blessing, and Mexica ceremony with dances.

  • 9:00 am: Breakfast.

  • 10:00 am: Activities and exercises for deep transformation to open the vision toward our divine purpose.

  • 11:00 am: Expansion of consciousness through a 1-hour guided holotropic breathing journey, entering deep states of transformation and healing.

  • 12:00 pm: HOLO-Music therapy, healing concert with Aleia.

  • 1:00 pm: Break.

  • 1:30 pm: Shamanic drum journey to meet personal animal and spirit guides.

  • 3:30 pm: Lunch.

  • 5:00 pm: Herbal teaching about incorporating herbs into life and presentation of the natural first aid kit.

  • 6:30 pm: Ceremony - Fire Element, empowerment in balance.

  • 8:00 pm: Cacao journey to open the heart and unify with Mother Earth, followed by a healing concert fusing Flamenco and Persian music by Nader Khaledi.

  • 9:30 pm: Dinner.

Sunday, February 11th: Element Water-Fire

  • 8:00 am: Breakfast.

  • 9:00 pm: Departure by transport to the Pyramid of Tepoztlán, the place where earth connects to the sky. Guided Meditation on top of the mountain and pyramid, opening the sacred eagle vision through the intuition of the heart, expanding extra-sensory capacities.

  • 3:00 pm: Restaurant in town.

  • 5:00 pm: Return to the house, resting time.

  • 7:30 pm: Talk about sacred elements (water, wind, earth, fire) and how to connect with them to transmute and manifest a higher vibration.

  • 8:30 pm: Dinner.

Monday, February 12: Earth-Water Element

  • 9:00 am: Hydration with special herbal tea and fruits.

  • 10:30 pm: Preparation for the Temazcal ceremony with pre-Hispanic teachings from an indigenous Mexica shaman.

  • 10:30 pm: Start of the Temazcal, an ancestral purification ceremony to be reborn from the womb of Mother Earth.

Tuesday, February 13th: Connection with Heaven on Earth

  • 8:00 am: Vinyasa restorative and professional yoga session.

  • 9:00 am: Breakfast.

  • 10:30 am: Trip to Xochicalco for meditation and connection at the site. Closing ceremony.

  • 3:00 pm: Lunch at the location or return to Mexico City

Lodging Details

From Friday, February 9, to Tuesday, February 13

Inquire about payment options; we can co-create a solution with you.


Teachings - Practices - Exercises - Activities - Meals


- Shared Uber round-trip to Tepoztlán.

$400 pesos per person (approximately).

- Bus option from CDMX to Tepoztlán.

(Buses depart every 30 minutes from the Central

- Round-trip transportation to Tepoztlán - Meals in the town and at Xochicalco - Tips


Does not include:
Whatsapp +52 322 118 0072
Celular +52 55 5409 0216

For more information or questions:

Contribution of Love

Stay from February 9th to 13th

5 days and 4 nights in a shared room $1550 CAD $1190 USD